Sunday, June 08, 2008


what is with girls liking mean guys? i mean they KNOW they are going to be used and hung out to dry and the girls still prefer them over the nicer people.

two of the girls i know like mean guys.

must be some repressed sado-maschoistic impulse that makes them.


FifthBeatle said...

Ummm - you really seem to have a thing against all things feminine. I'm basing this not just on this post, but also having read some of the previous ones.

What did they do to you? A lot of them are bitches, but a lot of men are bastards too.

To quote someone (and I don't really know whom) - "Excepting life to be good to you just because you are nice is like expecting a hungry lion not to attack you just because you are vegetarian."

I think it makes sense if you think about it.

FifthBeatle said...

** Make that "expecting" in the previous comment. My bad. Sorry.