Tuesday, December 04, 2007

over two months

if anyone read this blog, it would matter much.

but since no one does,it really doesnt.

of late, going over the past few posts, it strikes me as being plain whiny. this blog showcases my darker side, not my whiny one.


probably i have said this before , but corporate life (atleast in my limited and thoroughly uneasy interaction with it) is nasty.

people really ARE a whole lot like you see in the Dilbert cartoons.

example: i am supposed to do something for which i need certain pieces of equipment. also i am supposed to hold some amount of knowledge for the same.

i am told that the piece of equipment cannot be used because it has a limited user license. ha ha. you are earning XYZ amount of money on this project and y oucant invest the amount of money to get ONE MORE LICENSE?

so all right i get myself adjusted to getting said piece of equipment set up in a way that doesnt violate the license terms. but the OTHER pieces of equipment are to take some big paperworky document filled by the boss' boss' boss' boss.

i just give up.

i am confused over whether to laugh maniacally or just stare in shocked wonderment at the absolute INSANITY that goes on behind the facade of "Quality Work".


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