Friday, January 06, 2006


Thought #1:
What bores me really about my other alter-egos (more than one? thats curious) is the overdose of emotion.

sure... a bit of emotion is good. but its never a good idea to keep on wailing "Why-Me?" out to the world. nobody knows and frankly nobody cares.

Thought #2:
keeping blogging too abstract is just as bad as making it too personal.

if you make a blog too vague, people WILL and DO drift away. if you make it TOO personal, people will start flaming you , and i dont just mean hot words online, it may be the literal pants on your beehind thats being blazed off.

if you make a blog too realistic , people will get bored - no one really cares about reading the number of times you brush each side of ur teeth in the morning and at night. no one really will be interested (beyond the first few times anyways) of reading about your amoral adventures (or lack of them).
if you make it too UNrealistic - people will just not get it.

Thought #3:
After all these years, i've still not found the direction to go ... but putting smileys at the end of a blog sentence is definitely out, Captain.

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