Sunday, January 15, 2006

Angsty entries dont really do it for most people.
this place remains as devoid of visitors as my other domains.

while playing to the gallery isnt quite what i do the best...i'd like to know,
what DOES a blog visitor want to read ?

couple of hints i got

all these are VERY well done blogs, and the writers KNOW what they write.

oh and there are picture posts , these are best done by people with an unerring eye for detail.and a beautiful sense of imagery. and a good digicam/scanner.

its not performance pressure, i dont WANT to play to the gallery. all i do want to do is to be heard. even if my voice is the small, slow variety.

1 comment:

AAA said...

In order to be heard, you have to find your own style of writing. Don't look to other blogs. If people find what you write interesting, then your voice will be heard :)