Saturday, August 12, 2006


last night i spoke to a mutual friend .. who told me you were an emotional mess.

i left you a few slyly sarcastic messages. today morning you couldnt stop calling me.

then finally when i DO call you.... long distance... you put me on HOLD ?

then after a minute i hang up ... and u call me back immediately.

you tell me , lets meet in the afternoon, and forget all about me.

then you tell me "im out watching a drama with my mother" - then you
come back home and send messages to some other guy ?

if i werent such a patient entity i'd probably yell at you. in not very nice words.
and i suppose you would deserve those words too.


SOF!A said...

i read 4 of ur posts, i like them, i like the way u write

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

you know the "worst" part about your posts? they remind me of some careless, inconsiderate things i might have done in the past. :(
they're hard-hitting, like that.

we all do silly things..being human, after all.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm.. :)

SOF!A said...

c'mon, update your blog

teacup said...

I think you really should!!!

Preethi said...

Cmon buddy... chill it.. people do it not purposely.. just because they are people..
Looks like its a phase you are going through... will pass away!!