Sunday, August 20, 2006


on the one hand im supposed to be all nice and gentlemanly.

but what DO i do when i find that you have been calling other men and talking to them whereas to me , you communicate , through a mutual friend , "my internet is not working".

i long to call you all manner of words , but then i sense they are born out of my own frustrated delusion.

be well, and be happy, and be without me. if that be what makes you happy..


Preethi said...

Remember buddy, u cant control love. If she doesnt want to be in touch, let her go. Someday she will realize that she lost someone who cares for her...
Just let loose... it works for you also.. really!!!

teacup said...

I agree with smilin girl...btw,maynot be of help but some guys worship this theory...check it out for urslef, tell me if it helped(i.e if u put it to use in the 1st place)-the ladder theory, just google it:)

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

there are no formulae that work here. you just go with the flow, and don't take everything too much to heart. a little detatchedness goes a long way.

i know i know easier said than done. i ask for forgiveness in advance. :)