Sunday, September 16, 2007

dark smirk

thats what has got to cross my face nowadays at work.

number 1 peeve : affianced / engaged female coworker.
nice person as a rule. but ever since she grew that usual female appendage called A Fiance... she's been distracted. it wouldnt have been a big deal in a larger team, but since there's just me and that person, its a bit much if she spends ALL her time(okay im being unfair , only 4o% of 8 hours = 3 hours) talking to her whatnot on gtalk. when its not gtalk its him calling up. oh sure , IM being uncharitable. but then i had to put up with HER workload on the week she went on Engagement Leave. Next up , Visit Family Shrine leave. After that , Wedding Leave. After that, it'll be "Tachyoson Leaves" time. heh heh heh.(dark smirk#1).

oh what REALLY got my goat - on Friday morning she text messages at 5am and says "urgh urk...i've got a headache and cant come to work please tell Toad and Tadpole". i grind my teeth and prevent myself from tapping out a sharp reply. "let me give her the benefit of the doubt", i say to myself, "maybe she REALLY did have to puke" (the day before she was infrequently rubbing her brow and making achy sounds - a headache, she'd said).

Today - online she says "i actually went trosseau shopping and its all done except for his blazer". heh heh heh heh (dark smirk #2) - i knew my gut feeling was right.

as if ONE female annoyance wasnt enough, there's another.
an ill informed , over-opinionated person.
she's from a different technology area - and keeps coming up with ideas better suited for USERS (who are mostly ,except for the informed ones, sheep) .

anyway she has a bigger knack than Tadpole of bringing up stuff that SEEMS easy, but isnt , considering the technology we have to use to achieve it.

a request to help should NOT be officialized by emailing all the Toads up the ladder! something she should have understood.

anyway, i dug my foot in , and left in time to leave town for a week.

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