Sunday, September 16, 2007

dark smirk

thats what has got to cross my face nowadays at work.

number 1 peeve : affianced / engaged female coworker.
nice person as a rule. but ever since she grew that usual female appendage called A Fiance... she's been distracted. it wouldnt have been a big deal in a larger team, but since there's just me and that person, its a bit much if she spends ALL her time(okay im being unfair , only 4o% of 8 hours = 3 hours) talking to her whatnot on gtalk. when its not gtalk its him calling up. oh sure , IM being uncharitable. but then i had to put up with HER workload on the week she went on Engagement Leave. Next up , Visit Family Shrine leave. After that , Wedding Leave. After that, it'll be "Tachyoson Leaves" time. heh heh heh.(dark smirk#1).

oh what REALLY got my goat - on Friday morning she text messages at 5am and says "urgh urk...i've got a headache and cant come to work please tell Toad and Tadpole". i grind my teeth and prevent myself from tapping out a sharp reply. "let me give her the benefit of the doubt", i say to myself, "maybe she REALLY did have to puke" (the day before she was infrequently rubbing her brow and making achy sounds - a headache, she'd said).

Today - online she says "i actually went trosseau shopping and its all done except for his blazer". heh heh heh heh (dark smirk #2) - i knew my gut feeling was right.

as if ONE female annoyance wasnt enough, there's another.
an ill informed , over-opinionated person.
she's from a different technology area - and keeps coming up with ideas better suited for USERS (who are mostly ,except for the informed ones, sheep) .

anyway she has a bigger knack than Tadpole of bringing up stuff that SEEMS easy, but isnt , considering the technology we have to use to achieve it.

a request to help should NOT be officialized by emailing all the Toads up the ladder! something she should have understood.

anyway, i dug my foot in , and left in time to leave town for a week.

Saturday, September 01, 2007


i feel extremely miffed when other people talk to her, but yet when i ask her anything, she stares into the distance as if i didnt exist.

i am either very paranoid , or invisible.


if it were just one person i would have put it down to just the way i do not get along with her.
but this is different people.

i know i may not be rich, handsome and statusful. but to shove me away like that is not being very nice, especially not when you say "We're Friends".

i'm tired of being "friends of convenience".