a 4 am thought if there ever was one - one so (interesting/earthshattering/insane - use favorite adjective here) that i have had to put it down twice in a day - once in my trusty offline tome and this one.
Does becoming better at the 'common skills of Life' render a person less creative - ? for example, keeping track of which of ones' bills to pay today wipes out the perfect photographic scene , or the worry about buying a house on loan wipe out the idea for that best selling novel that one dreamt up on that long weekend?
in short , does Creativity emerge out of Life , or does Life crush the existence of Creativity ?
opinions are welcome.
creativity emerges out of life. It is a delicate art of stopping the mind to worry about that loan approval or that bill to pay and just get out and do something else. I usually start mine with a drive. Now, my camera accompanies me. Sometimes, Laya does. It helps. When back from the break, I am able to think more freely.
Take a grip on your life. Rule it. Live it. If thinking about the loan is what needs to be done, do it with full gusto. Then leave the thinking as you would have done all that is possible. It is important to be able to 'leave it'.
Neither. Creativity just happens. As does life.
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