Saturday, October 21, 2006


I have been very oddly quiet nowadays.
I put it down to being overworked - no weekends, 10 hours, expected to go up to 16+ hours over the next 10 days.

But this post isnt about my work-woes...

I have lately acquired a new fellow traveller. usually i get off the bus and hitch a ride together with this petite ageless person who disembarks just before the railway bridge.

a few days ago i discovered another person who disembarks much closer home than that.

she has several questions to ask me .. my name among other things.

the funny part is i have NO intention of asking her for hers... something that struck the one person who heard about this as extremely odd.

but without a name i am under no pressure to hold any delusions or aspersions... i can fully live in the moment, and when it is past i hold no regret that it is no more...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah odd. why would a name create expectations/pressure? but yeah, when it comes to let go, i can see how it'd be easy to say "well, i didn't even know her name!".

this is a nice post :-)