Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Enter The Dark Half

Cynicism is an emotion borne out by a day like 11 July '06.

how can a person be all positive and sunshiny when around us all rise the shadowy ghouls of murder from anonymity and screams and blown apart limbs?

i doubt any of the 174(officially reported) violent dismemberments ever thought of their not being able to return home that fateful evening.

i remember watching a Discovery Channel offering about Bats ....
outside their cave , where about 4 million of them live, crowded cheek to jowl above a maggotty teemy environment that eats up their young if they fall (how similar to Mumbai can we get?) a few sharp eyed and sharper taloned eagles.
Every morning when the bats return home, tired from their exertions on behalf of their cheepy young, these Evil Eagles (and yet Folk Lore calls them forces of good?) speed through the million strong throng ... and rip a few out of the fabric of Life.

the remaining 399,99,999 continue on with their lives .... happy (if Bats are sentient enough to be capable of such emotion) that it wasnt them.

isnt that how we are ?

the only difference is the few peoplebats who , in all the places of destruction, rushed out to help.
there remain a few dim sparks in the All Consuming Darkness.

from one of the Holy Books,
"How long, O LORD?
How long will the wicked be allowed to gloat?


Soni said...

Heartiest condolence to the families of the bereaved in a cowardish act of terror. may their soul rest in peace.

Out of the whole disaster one thing that touched my heart was mumbaiars who came out on roads to help each other. without giving a 2nd thought people just rushed to help the victims in whichever possible way they could. this a perfect answer given to those cold-blooded terrorist. Mumbai has really taught us how to live life in worst circumstances, whether it be rain or blast.


Tachyoson said...

thanks soni :) you're really sweet!