Wednesday, May 03, 2006

musings on a may,midway

when you wake up in the morning, do you wonder if you are going to see the end of the day?

a lot of people have , in song thought writing and poetry often thought - "what if today was the last day of my life ?"

in this era of speed-dating and speed-employment and just plain speed .... i propose to take it a bit further. what if this is the last minute of your life ?

what would you do in this last 60 seconds that would make it the final bookend in this long bookcase?

i think of eliminating all that i wouldnt do.

  • hug my parents - its too trite and formulaic , i've been doing it a lot throughout my life

  • write a letter - dont know if that is going to make it through whatever wipes me out

  • write an email - would anyone care to answer ?

  • write a poem - it could be a bad one - who'd want to go out with bad type?

  • run around like crazy - i havent done it all my life (last 12 years anyway) and why would i run around since im not supposed to know im going to end 45 seconds later?

what i'd probably do is - what i've been doing so long that its been sort of like second nature to me,


after all i came FROM nothing and im about to BECOME nothing ... so why bother?


Soni said...


I would totally agree with you... I would rather accept the reality and see if I can do something for others, than running around,trying hard to to extend my stay which is beyond my potential :P

afterall born empty-handed and die empty-handed... I always feel am EMPTY and HOLLOW, off the fear of death :-)

Soni said...

Neell,,, why dont you post often? keep in touch baba...

Anonymous said...

Hmmm.. :)