Friday, October 29, 2010

Gloomy day.

i am a cantankerous coot.


I am also panicky , when at the time tons of people are fleeing my little dilbert-ship, im still stuck, frozen in the headlights.

I dont want to get run over!

Thursday, April 15, 2010


the fact that most men are sleazy and perverted does not make ALL of us slugs.

one of my leads at work, i shall call him K, is married , yet he keeps going around with 1, who is also married. K and 1 spend all their time together, to the extent that they do as little work as possible. 1s husband is out of the city most of the time, and i dont even have to elaborate the kind of talk THAT generates, given this situation.

Its my philosophy, that you can have friends of the opposite gender after marriage, just that the ONLY best friend after marriage is your Better Half, your significant other.

Its rather creepy that guys think that they can flirt with girls at work, after marriage. it reeks of eating your cake and having it too. "Ghar ki murgi" and all that jazz.

Inspite of the above , i believe that a man has a need of his alone time, just as he has need of together time. Be it with cricket, photography, PS3, whatever.

Just that it should be in moderation.

Never having been "one of the boys" , i dont have a huge gang of guys to go booze with. which is probably the best for both me and N.

I feel sick at the people who keep complaining about their wives. I mean, hey, you married her, show her some respect? she did give up her entire life, family, and/or career to come take care of your sorry ass.

but the sense of "weekdays with Office Boss, weekends with Home Boss" does bob up in my mind too.
But its all the work that needs to be done for the FAMILY , why complain ? its not something that I'm doing for someone else!

Still I do feel tired and washed out because I practically get NO rest.

Anyhow, this is my Reflection of the Moment.

See you later!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

if you keep quiet at work, no one notices if you do a good job!

for that matter, this is true most times in your life.

its important to consider the place, the person and the moment in time, together, before deciding on a course of action.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

so work kicked me out over half the world around.

it sucks to be not able to drive.

the sky is really blue there.

no crows but the sparrows and the rockdoves seem like old friends.

why is it necessary to go to a strip club and get lap dances to prove I'm male? I dont see it. I like pretty girls, but they dont have to demean themselves in that manner (If you're reading this , your link to "Why Men visit Prostitutes" sort of is a complementary article to this).

I realise how much I miss her when I'm away.