Tuesday, September 30, 2008


women think that men are louts.

the truth is, there are atleast SOME men who have turned loutish.
driven by women who treat them like animals even when they are not.
and heap the blame of some other idiot , some crass zombie onto us.

finally tired of being a sensitive man , an outcast among the butt-pinching, breast ogling men, and an outcast from women who treat them as some kind of wet-wipe, to be tossed away amidst the garbage once the next idiot comes along.

Sunday, September 07, 2008


long time no rant.

the other day, we had another of the brainmashing sessions at work. one and a half hours of monotonous droning on about how great The Co. did. yeah right, but that still meant you shit all over our appraisals. and the head got a new cabin.

all the best people are almost gone. the moment i get another place so will i, i've decided.

anyway, the post was about a trainee who joined 20 months ago. He was asked to speak about his project and said

1. we had tight timelines.
2. we had no knowledge of the technology used.
3. the client kept changing his/her mind about what he/she wanted.

we all laughed heartily at that. because buddy, thats like ALL the projects i've ever executed. misplanned. overpromised. underdelivered. and leaving a bad taste in my mouth that working 6 days a week for 11 hours each for 5 months, the product shows the brainmashed nature of the people executing it.

NOT because we did a bad job, but because we were pushed to fight heavily armed warmachines with matchsticks.